dentist blog

DVT – Digital Volume Tomography

DVT – Digital Volume Tomography

DVT is a three-dimensional imaging tomography process that utilizes x-rays.  It is indicated in all cases of extraordinary anatomy or reduced bone substance in the area for placement of the…

Dentist anesthesia & sedation

Dentist anesthesia & sedation

For major interventions or for patients who are anxious, we can provide treatment under outpatient general anesthesia. This gentle and painless alternative ensures an absolutely stress-free treatment session.



Almost 60% of all people evidence simple, chronic, deep inflammation of the gums around teeth (periodontitis) and implants (peri-implantitis), and 20% evidence an aggressive, deep gum infection.

Dental prosthetics

Dental prosthetics

The mastery of dental implantology does not end with surgery. Prostheses for teeth and implants are a decisive factor in the long-term success of dental care. Expertise in implant prosthetics…

Dental prophylaxis

Dental prophylaxis

Since the 1970's, it has been scientifically proven that so-called "Professional Hygiene" can prevent dental loss. Professional dental hygiene is necessary to ensure your oral health and to maintain the…

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